ENM – Embedded Network Manager

Strata Body Corporate Energy Efficiency Strategies and Advice

Did you know that as of 1 December 2017 ‘persons’ who hold a network exemption in relation to an embedded network must appoint or become an Embedded Network Manager in accordance with clause 2.5.1 (d1) of the National Electricity Rules.

Although many parties indicated their interest in seeking accreditation with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to become an Embedded Network Manager, it has taken longer than anticipated for completed applications to be submitted, processed and approved.

To allow an opportunity for embedded network operators time to adjust to the new requirement to become or appoint an Embedded Network Manager, the AER allowed an initial transition period from 1 December 2017 to 31 March 2018.

During this transitional period, the AER is expected to be provided with evidence that parties attempted to secure an ENM or were engaging in the process of securing an ENM.

A list of current accredited Embedded Network Managers can now be found on the AEMO’s website.

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